Icebergs: Bondi Beach Fine Dining Italian Restaurant


Bondi Beach Fine Dining Italian Restaurant

Icebergs Dining Room and Bar

Is about the ocean, the beach, the sky, it's about Sydney.

“It’s hard to think of a place that shows off the beauty of Sydney any better. And it’s not just Sydney, it’s the whole of the ocean! In 20 years, there’s been perhaps 50 or 60 nights of absolute perfection. On those nights, I’d just stay there on my own, a bottle of wine to send me into the morning, with the ocean, the full moon, or whatever that night’s magic was – it’s heaven. That’s her mystery, sometimes you’ll get that full moon, or the open doors letting in a gentle breeze, or dolphins swimming on the waves. it’s pot luck, but if you’re there for one of those nights it will be the best of your life. That’s the allure. Twenty years on, I’m still hooked.” Maurice Terzini